Sarvesh Hospital in Hisar organized the Sarvesh Doctor’s Cricket League in which teams of doctors from almost all multispecialty hospitals of Hisar participated. In a match between Sarvesh Hospital’s Team Sarvesh Panthers and Sapra Hospital’s Team Sapra Super Kings, Sapra Super kings beat Sarvesh Panthers by 4 wickets. Sarvesh Panthers’ total score was 61/10, to which Sapra Super Kings replied by making 62/6 runs.
Dr. Amit Saini, an Orthopedic surgeon at Sapra Multispecialty Hospital and Sapra Super Kings Captain congratulated the team on the win and said “Generally a doctor’s life is very busy, there is very little time for sports. Usually we doctors only meet in hospitals, but this cricket league gave us a ground where we got a chance to play together and have fun.